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Course Work: Voting Fraud

Voting Fraud 1996:

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1996 Exposing Election Rigging: Past Predicting the 2024 Election

Film: Vote Scam - The Stealing of America's Elections

"The Press is the Rigger" - James M Collier

James goes onto explain that the media and the news have all the power and there have been laws outlined to allow one person controlling multiple entities, maintaining control.

0:03 - 1996 Tv Interview with his footage

55:41 - Bonus Lost Phone interview!

In this compelling video, we explore the bold endeavors of James M. Collier, a man who dedicated much of his life to exposing what he believed to be systemic election rigging in the United States. Collier was an investigative journalist and author, co-writing the book "Votescam: The Stealing of America" with his brother Kenneth F. Collier. His work shed light on vulnerabilities in the election process, suggesting that factors beyond the public's control were determining outcomes.

🔍 Evidence and Investigation

Collier's suspicions were not unfounded; he amassed video proof during his daring investigations. He courageously entered election centers with a video camera, often facing significant resistance from officials. This footage, captured against the odds, showcased irregularities in the voting process. One of his key assertions was that ballot counting machines and processes could be manipulated, rendering the system susceptible to fraud. His investigative work sparked debates about the transparency and security of electronic voting machines.

💡 Key Points and Implications

Among the critical points Collier highlighted were:

- Lack of transparent oversight in how votes are counted.

- Potential for electronic manipulation in voting machines and systems.

- Resistance and obstruction faced by whistleblowers and investigators attempting to expose flaws.

This video takes you through the evidence collected by Collier, revealing startling inconsistencies that question the integrity of the voting process. It also underscores the bravery required to confront deep-seated systems and the ongoing need for vigilance in protecting democratic processes.

Join us to understand the perspective of James M. Collier and the significance of his work in highlighting potential vulnerabilities in the election system. Learn why his fearless pursuit of truth continues to resonate in discussions about electoral integrity.

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