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Proof the U.S. is a Corperation:

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Federal Reserve Act of 1913:

  • Enacted to create a central banking system in the United States.

  • It placed control of U.S. fiscal policy in the hands of a private foreign banking cartel.

  • Source: Representative McFadden, Congressional Record, June 1932.

  1. World War I:

    • The Federal Reserve became the fiscal agent for the U.S. government, financing military expenditures.

    • Source: Federal Reserve Bank of New York website.

  2. Independent Treasury Act of 1920:

    • handed control of the U.S. Treasury to private bankers.

    • Source: Independent Treasury Act 1920 documents.

  3. Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) – 1921:

    • Founded with Paul Warburg as its first director.

    • Warburg also drafted the Federal Reserve Act and was an agent of the Rothschild banking dynasty.

  4. United States Corporation Company (1925):

    • Chartered in Florida and allegedly created without Congressional approval.

    • Source: Articles of Incorporation, United States Corporation Company, July 15, 1925.

  5. Great Depression and 1920s Financial Events:

    • The Federal Reserve is accused of actions leading to the Great Depression.

    • Source: Representative McFadden, Congressional Record, June 1932.

  6. Emergency Powers and Gold Confiscation – 1933:

    • President Roosevelt claimed emergency powers and confiscated gold from the public.

    • Source: Congressional Record, March 1933.

  7. Internal Revenue Service (IRS) – 1933:

    • Chartered as a private corporation in Delaware, not as a division of the U.S. Treasury per the claim.

    • Source: IRS Corporate Charter, 1933.

  8. Continued State of National Emergency:

    • The U.S. operates under continuous emergency powers.

    • Source: Senate Report 93-549.

Claims and Assertions:

  • The U.S. government and its agencies are portrayed as private corporations.

  • These corporations operate under the guise of governmental authority but serve private interests.

  • Corporate statutes have replaced traditional laws, requiring consent through signed contracts.

Literature and Sources:

  • Judge Dale's "The Great American Adventure": Cited to support the view that the government functions as a private corporation.

  • Various Congressional Records and Articles of Incorporation documents are listed as sources for specific claims.

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