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Course Work: Tactics and Jurisdiction

They Have No Authority:

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📽 Exposing the Legal Realities: Court Authority and Corporate Charters

Also how to win against CPS

Courts as For-Profit Corporations 🏛💰: Discover how courts operate as for-profit corporations and the implications of this structure on their authority. Learn why they must possess a corporate charter that complies with the U.S. Constitution. Challenging Court Authority ⚖️🚫: Understand why courts lack lawful authority over individuals and how one can argue a statute as unconstitutional and invalid under 481 U.S. 739 (1987). Constitutional Compliance 📝📜: The video highlights the critical necessity for courts to adhere to their corporate charters, which must align with constitutional principles.

Questioning Judicial Authority 🔍: Advocates for a critical examination of judicial power, stressing that courts are not inherently government entities with absolute authority over individuals. Constitutional Supremacy 📜: Emphasizes that any corporate entity, including courts, must operate within the confines of the Constitution, safeguarding individual rights against unlawful statutes. Empowerment through Legal Knowledge 💡: Belief in empowering individuals with knowledge about the true nature of court authority and the constitutional requirements they must meet.

💬 Decentralization of Authority ⚖️: Promotes the idea that real power lies with the people, not with corporatized judicial entities that may overstep their lawful boundaries. Holding Courts Accountable 🏛: Advocates for holding courts accountable to their corporate charters and constitutional mandates, ensuring they do not infringe on individual rights. Challenging Unconstitutional Statutes 🚫: Encourages individuals to challenge and question the constitutionality of statutes in courts, using precedent set by 481 U.S. 739 (1987).

🌟 Why It Matters:

- Protecting Individual Rights 🔒: Understanding the true nature of court authority helps protect individual rights from overreach by judicial entities operating outside their lawful boundaries.

- Legal Accountability and Reform 🛡: Promotes accountability and potential reform in how courts operate, ensuring alignment with constitutional requirements.

- Informed Legal Defense 🧠⚔️: Provides critical knowledge that enables individuals to mount informed legal defenses against unlawful judicial practices.

We Are The Power:

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📽 The Ultimate Power of the People: Dismissing Illegitimate Authority and Demanding Judicial Accountability

Including: Child support and NISI PRIUS Maneuver

The Real Power Lies with the People ✊🌍: This empowering compilation emphasizes that true power resides not with officials, but with the people. Government officials and agents are merely overseers meant to serve the public interest. Oath-Takers and Trustworthiness 🤝🚫: The video challenges the integrity of those taking oaths, positing that such individuals are prone to committing crimes and should not be trusted unconditionally. Government's Role and Limitations 🏛🔍: Governments are discussed as agents of the people, who must act in the people's favor. They cannot overpower the people; rather, they are meant to support and aid them. Lawyers, Attorneys, and Their Loyalties ⚖️❌: Exposes the conflict of interest with lawyers and attorneys, who, upon taking an oath, are beholden to the court, not the people they ostensibly represent.

Empowerment and Legal Autonomy 🗝: Belief in the inherent power of individuals over government agents and the necessity for people to reclaim their autonomy. Questioning Official Oaths and Trust 💡: Encourages skepticism towards individuals who take oaths, highlighting a commitment to crime prevention and truth. Government as Public Servants 🌍: Reinforces the idea that governments are servants to the people, not overpowering entities, and should be held accountable to this principle. Clarity on Legal Representation ✒️: Stresses the importance of understanding the true loyalties of lawyers and attorneys and the need for personal legal knowledge.

💬 Decentralization of Power ⚖️: Advocates for the decentralization of power, ensuring it remains with the people rather than being consolidated in governmental and judicial structures. Judicial Accountability 🔏: Underlines the necessity of holding the judiciary accountable through mechanisms like the Demand for Judicial Notice in NISI PRIUS Courts. Education and Awareness 📚🌐: Promotes widespread education and awareness about one's legal rights and the limitations of government and legal authorities.

🌟 Why It Matters:

- Protecting Personal Freedoms ⚔️: Understanding the true distribution of power ensures the protection of personal freedoms against overreach by governments and officials.

- Combating Unlawful Judicial Practices 🛡: Equips individuals with strategies to combat unlawful judicial practices and demand accountability.

- Informed Legal Maneuvering 🧠: Offers essential insights for informed legal maneuvering, helping individuals protect their rights and interests effectively.

What They Assume:

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📽 Unmasking Court Presumptions: The Illusions of Status

🔍 12 Hidden Presumptions 🏛: The video highlights 12 critical presumptions that the state makes about your status upon entering a courtroom. These presumptions, though not real, dictate how you are treated and perceived within these administrative centers, disguised to look like Article 3 courts. Impact on Your Status 🚪: Emphasizes that these courts operate solely based on these presumptions, which can significantly affect your status and outcome in the proceedings, if unchallenged.

📚 Root Thoughts & Beliefs: Illusion of Legitimacy 🎭: Asserts that many so-called courts are merely dressed-up administrative centers. These centers rely on preset presumptions about an individual's status rather than operating as true judicial bodies. Belief that by understanding and debunking these 12 presumptions, individuals can reclaim their true status and rights within the legal system. Personal Sovereignty ⚔️: Advocates for maintaining one's sovereignty and recognizing procedural tactics designed to obscure legal truths and manipulate outcomes.

💬 Core Beliefs & Positions: Awareness and Education 📚: Emphasizes the importance of educating people about the presumptions that impact their legal status and rights in court. Challenging Assumptions 🛡: Encourages individuals to actively challenge these presumptions to prevent being unfairly categorized or judged. Asserting True Judicial Processes ⚖️: Highlights the need to distinguish between administrative procedures and true judicial processes to ensure fair treatment under the law.

🌟 Why It Matters:

- Clarity and Fairness 🕵️‍♂️: Understanding these presumptions brings clarity to legal proceedings, ensuring fairness and accountability.

- Empowering Citizens 🚀: Empowers individuals by providing them with the knowledge to challenge unfair and baseless presumptions in court.

- Reclaiming Authority 🇺🇸: Reinforces personal sovereignty and true judicial integrity, enabling citizens to reclaim the authority that administrative centers attempt to obscure.

The Affidavit:

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📽 Harnessing the Power of Affidavits: Key to Sovereignty

Affidavits in Action 📜⚖️: The video delves into the crucial role of affidavits in lawsuits, courts, and both defense and offense strategies. Affidavits, which are written statements sworn to be true, serve as powerful evidence in legal proceedings. Examples and Importance 🛡: Examples include personal affidavits attesting to the truth of an event, affidavits of service, and financial affidavits. They act as foundational tools in asserting your sovereignty and provide solid backing for all adhesion contracts—agreements where one party has more power than the other.

📚 Root Thoughts & Beliefs: Unassailable Evidence 🔍: Emphasizes that affidavits stand as undeniable evidence when properly executed, making them indispensable in legal contexts. Asserting Sovereignty 🗝: Belief in the power of affidavits to reclaim and assert personal sovereignty within legal frameworks, ensuring individuals are heard and respected by the courts. Supporting Adhesion Contracts 📝: Affidavits solidify and support adhesion contracts, providing a robust legal standing for agreements made under disparate power dynamics.

💬 Core Beliefs & Positions: Empowerment through Affidavits 📚: Educates individuals on the strategic use of affidavits to empower themselves legally, turning the tide in their favor in courtrooms and negotiations. Legal Integrity and Fairness ⚖️: Affirms that the use of affidavits introduces a level of integrity and fairness into legal proceedings, making it harder for truth to be obscured. Knowledge is Power 🌐: Advocates for widespread public knowledge about the importance and use of affidavits, arming individuals with the tools needed to defend their rights.

🌟 Why It Matters:

- Strengthens Legal Standings 🛡: Affidavits bolster legal claims and defenses, making them essential for anyone looking to assert their rights and sovereignty effectively.

- Promotes Fair Legal Practices ⚔️: By using affidavits, individuals can ensure that legal proceedings are conducted fairly, reducing the risk of power imbalances skewing outcomes.

- Empowers the People 🚀: Knowledge of how to execute and leverage affidavits empowers citizens to stand up against unjust legal tactics confidently.

One Method of Dismissal:

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📽 Negative Affirmant: Holding Court Accountable Explained

Negative Affirmant Strategy 📜: The video discusses how to employ a Negative Affirmant—a technique used to challenge a court's authority and get a case dismissed by disputing the jurisdiction and the basis of the court's actions. Holding Officials Accountable ⚖️: It explains detailed steps on how to hold various officials, including police and judges, accountable for their actions. This involves meticulous documentation and communication.

📚 Root Thoughts & Beliefs:

- Accountability and Oath Violation 🚔: The man asserts that many officials, from police to judges, often act in violation of their oaths of office. By highlighting these violations, he believes individuals can enforce accountability and demand adherence to lawful conduct.

- Targeting the "Trust" 🏛: He emphasizes that each state's "trust" at the core of his argument. By focusing on this trust, critics aim to challenge the legitimacy of officials' actions. Suing for Damages 💼: Part of his strategy involves suing officials for damages, reinforcing the consequences of violating their oath and the "trust" they work from.

💬 Core Beliefs & Positions:

- Empowerment through Legal Knowledge 📚: Believes in empowering individuals with legal strategies to challenge and hold authorities accountable.

- Exposing Systemic Issues 🔍: Emphasizes the need to expose and address systemic issues within the judiciary and law enforcement.

- Legal Accountability 🌐: Strongly supports the idea that accountability must be enforced legally to safeguard citizens' rights and uphold democratic values.

🌟 Why It Matters:

- Understanding Legal Tools 🛠: Knowledge of strategies like Negative Affirmant provides citizens with the tools to question and contest unjust legal decisions.

- Enforcing Transparency and Integrity ⚖️: Emphasizing accountability ensures that government officials adhere to their constitutional duties.

- Empowering Citizens 🗣: By educating individuals on how to legally challenge authority, the video promotes an informed and empowered citizenry capable of protecting their rights.

What Winning Looks Like:

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📽 Judge Flees: Exposing the Frauds of the US Corporation

Judge Fleeing the Bench ⚖️🏃‍♀️: The video captures a moment in court where a man, recording the judge, confronts her about her fraudulent oath and her association with the US Corporation. The judge declares a short recess but never returns, instead ordering a competency test for the man who called out the fraud. Proof of a Crumbling System 🔍: By not holding the man in contempt or arresting him, the judge's actions are seen as a tacit admission of the fraudulent nature of the system.

📚 Root Thoughts & Beliefs: Exposure of Judicial Fraud 🚨: Asserts that the judge's reaction to being challenged on her oath and affiliation with the US Corporation reveals deep-rooted judicial fraud. Personal Accountability 🛡: Emphasizes that individuals within the system can be held accountable personally rather than solely targeting the institutions they represent. Systemic Deception Unveiled 🎭: The judge's refusal to engage directly and opting for a competency test is viewed as a fraudulent tactic to discredit challengers rather than addressing substantive grievances.

💬 Core Beliefs & Positions: Challenging Authority 🌐: Encourages people to question and challenge the legitimacy of authority figures, particularly those whose actions may betray constitutional principles. Revealing Frauds and Falsehoods 🚪: Believes in exposing systemic frauds, suggesting that such exposure is crucial for dismantling deceptive structures embedded within governance. Empowerment through Knowledge 📚: Highlights the importance of educating the public about their rights and the legal tactics used to undermine them, fostering a culture of informed resistance.

🌟 Why It Matters:

- Transparency and Justice 🛡: The incident demonstrates the need for transparency in the judicial system, arguing that true justice is served only when fraudulent practices are brought to light.

- Empowering Citizens 📣: By showcasing such instances, the video aims to empower citizens to stand up for their rights and hold authorities accountable.

- Unmasking False Legitimacy 🎭: The judge’s departure under questionable circumstances underscores the fragility and potential illegitimacy of seemingly authoritative figures.

Interview 1

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Interview 2

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Interview 3

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