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Course Work: Blood Lines

Plausible Deniability:

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📽 Unmasking the US Corporation: Plausible Deniability and Control

The video elaborates on the intricate plans of the "US Corporation" and their cohorts to constrain America. It suggests this scheme has cleverly utilized the US Corporation to subsume the USA Republic. Historical Roots 🇺🇸: This assertion traces back to the origins of the Constitution and even earlier, indicating long-standing maneuvers to engulf and control the true Republic.

📚 Root Thoughts & Beliefs:

- Governmental Overreach 📜: She posits that the US Corporation—operating separate from the sovereign USA—is designed to exercise undue control through a systematic and covert takeover. Argues that the current situation is the result of a prolonged and deliberate strategy, stemming from the founding of the nation, to blur the lines between corporate policies and constitutional governance. Plausible Deniability Tactics 🎭: Highlights the use of plausible deniability by these forces to evade accountability and veil their true intentions under layers of bureaucracy and legal complexity.

💬 Core Beliefs & Positions:

- Protection of Sovereignty ⚔️: Emphasizes the preservation of the USA Republic's sovereignty against corporate encroachment disguised as governance. Advocates for holding all complicit officials accountable for violating their constitutional oaths. Encourages a thorough understanding of historical context to recognize and resist the ongoing covert operations undermining the Republic.

🌟 Why It Matters:

- Transparency and Accountability 🛡: Awareness of this purported scheme is crucial for demanding transparency and holding authorities accountable to their constitutional duties. Reinforcing the distinction between corporate policies and constitutional governance strengthens democratic principles. Educating citizens on the historical and ongoing strategies fortifies them against clandestine efforts to erode their rights.

World Bank Attorney

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📽 Karen Hudes on the 1871 "Secret Constitution" and Financial Enslavement 📽

🔍 Who is Karen Hudes?

Karen Hudes, a former World Bank attorney, is known for challenging mainstream narratives by highlighting perceived flaws and hidden agendas within the U.S. legal and financial systems.

📜 Key Points:

- The Secret Constitution of 1871 📜: Hudes asserts that a clandestine version of the U.S. Constitution, enacted in 1871, handed over significant control to private bankers, significantly altering the original governance framework.

- Proof of Revolutionary War Debt 💵: She claims to possess evidence showing that debts from the Revolutionary War are still influencing the nation's financial policies.

- Monetary Value of Birth Certificates 📑: Hudes suggests that each child's birth certificate creates monetary value, essentially commodifying human lives for economic gain.

- Citizens as Debtors in Court ⚖️: According to her, individuals in court are perceived as debtors rather than citizens, which effectively dehumanizes them and classifies them as property of the Federal Government.

- Humans as Chattel 🔗: She boldly states that people have been reduced to chattel, or movable property, by the federal government, stripping them of their innate human rights.

- Call for Action 🔄: Hudes advocates for repealing the so-called "bankers' constitution" and suggests reissuing Treasury dollars backed by a collateral account to restore financial independence and equity.

📚 Why It Matters: Karen Hudes brings a provocative perspective on the nature of legal and financial authority in the U.S. Her claims invite deeper examination of historical and present-day governance and financial practices, urging citizens to rethink the power structures that shape their lives.

Presidents and Masons Rituals

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📽 Beast System: Unveiling the Hidden Ritualistic Origins of Washington D.C. 📽 (11m)

🔍 Who are the Creators of "Beast System"?

The creators behind the film "Beast System" are a group of researchers and filmmakers dedicated to uncovering and revealing hidden truths about historical and modern-day power structures. Their work often delves into the occult, secret societies, and ancient mysteries.

📜 Key Points from Their Revelations:

- Washington D.C. and Rituals 🏛: The filmmakers argue that Washington D.C. was deliberately designed for occult rituals by its founding figures. They suggest that the city's layout and structures are imbued with symbolic significance meant for public and secret ceremonies.

- Link to Atlantis 🌊: Their research posits that the location of Washington D.C. is on what they claim to be the site of the original Atlantis, implying a deep, mystical connection to ancient civilizations and esoteric knowledge.

- Freedom of Religion as a Cloak 🕊: According to the creators, the principle of freedom of religion established in the U.S. was a facade to cover up the true intent of facilitating secret rituals and the invocation of old gods by fallen angels.

- Mystic Artifacts and Architecture 🏛🕯:

- Masonic Bible Bound in Testes: They assert that a secret Masonic bible, bound in an obelisk statue in Washington, VT, holds esoteric secrets and connections to ancient rites.

- Library of Congress: Allegedly, the Library of Congress contains undeniable proof and documentation that Washington D.C. was constructed with the primary purpose of conducting public rituals, connecting it to hidden ancient traditions.

📚 Why It Matters: "Beast System" challenges conventional narratives about the foundation of Washington D.C. by providing an alternative history steeped in symbolism, ancient wisdom, and secret societies. Their revelations call for a reevaluation of historical landmarks and the true intents behind governmental structures.

ABC News: Cult Expose

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📽 Exposing the Skull and Bones: A Deep Dive with ABC News 📽

In 2001, a renowned ABC News anchor delivered a groundbreaking segment delving into the elusive secret society known as Skull and Bones. His investigative report boldly claimed connections between all U.S. presidents and this enigmatic fraternity.

📜 Key Points of His Perspective:

- Exploring the Skull and Bones 🕵️: The segment sheds light on Skull and Bones, a secretive fraternity based at Yale University, renowned for its mysterious rituals and influential members. The society, shrouded in secrecy, is suggested to play a pivotal role in the corridors of power.

- Presidential Connections 🇺🇸: The anchorman revealed that numerous U.S. presidents, including some of the most prominent figures in American history, were members of Skull and Bones. This assertion opens up discussions on how intimate connections within such societies potentially shape political trajectories and policy decisions.

- Power and Influence 🔮: The anchor explores how Skull and Bones members are alleged to wield significant influence over major political and economic decisions. This purported network of power brokers suggests a tightly knit group exercising enormous control behind the scenes.

- Hidden Meanings and Rituals 🕯: Detailing the cryptic rituals and symbolism associated with Skull and Bones, the report hints at deeper meanings and interconnectedness among societal elites. The segment posits that understanding these elements is key to comprehending the broader implications of their influence.

📚 Why It Matters: This exposé urges viewers to critically consider the opaque nature of elite societies and their potential impact on democratic processes. By unraveling the connections and exploring the hidden dynamics of power, the report invites a more informed and engaged public discourse.

Masonic Truth About Presidents

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📽 Thomas Horn on Freemasons, Presidential Lineage, and Public Rituals 📽

🔍 Who is Thomas Horn?

Thomas Horn is an author and commentator known for his exploration of historical, religious, and esoteric themes. He often delves into how these elements intertwine with contemporary events and governance.

📜 Key Points:

- Presidents and Freemasonry 🏛: Horn asserts that all U.S. presidents can trace their affiliations back to Freemasonry, starting with George Washington. He suggests that this connection plays a significant role in their governance.

- Ushering in Evil in 2025 ⚠️: He speculates that this lineage of Freemasons is preparing to usher in an era of malevolence by the year 2025, although the specifics of this claim are left to interpretation.

- Design of Washington D.C. 🗺: Horn highlights that Thomas Jefferson, a notable figure in U.S. history, intentionally designed the capital city of Washington D.C. to facilitate large-scale public rituals. He refers to a documented plan within the Library of Congress, titled "The Most Approved Plan," as evidence of these occult intentions.

📚 Why It Matters: Thomas Horn's examinations touch on the intersections of history, architecture, and secret societies, suggesting a broader narrative about power and influence in American governance. His insights provoke critical thought about the hidden dimensions of leadership and public spaces.

Bonus Blood Lines Compilation

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