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Course Work: Drive Vs Travel

Sheriff vs Police:

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Unveil the Hidden Power Struggle:

Sheriffs vs. Police, Corruption, and Occult's Iron Grip!

Discover the untold story of how local sheriffs wield more power than police and even judges within their jurisdictions! Learn how these county sheriffs have the authority to reject unconstitutional executive orders, effectively shielding their communities from overreach.

But the plot thickens! This explosive expose reveals how gangs and corrupt officials infiltrate law enforcement, backed by government corruption, to undermine the people's rights. Despite this, the people's constitutional rights still overpower both the government and law enforcement.

Unmask the True Controllers: Uncover the compelling evidence that both the military and police are stealthily ran by Freemasonry—operating as the hidden arm of royalty’s control over the USA and other regions globally.

Empower yourself with actionable steps to fight back—learn how to remove corrupt sheriffs and officials by claiming their bond. Just like a bail bondsman pre-emptively securing bail, these bonds can be leveraged to expose and oust unconstitutional authorities. You can Claim this bail money (Their Bond) to hold them accountable.

Join us on this riveting journey to reclaim power from behind-the-scenes manipulators.

Be informed. Stay vigilant. Fight for your freedom! 💪🗽

What it looks like:

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Traffic Stop Breakdown (22m)

Relevance of UCC 1-308 (UD):

Signing Under Duress and Reserving Your Rights UCC 1-308 relates to the Uniform Commercial Code (UCC), which governs commercial transactions in the United States. Under UCC 1-308, a person can explicitly reserve their rights when signing a document, ensuring that their actions do not inadvertently waive any legal rights. This is often done by appending "UD" (Under Duress) or similar notations when signing a document.

Key Points of UCC 1-308:

Reservation of Rights: When you sign a document and add "Without Prejudice" or "Under Duress," you indicate that you do not agree to any terms or conditions that you might not be aware of or that you believe to be unjust.

Legal Impacts:

This can prevent the document from being used against you in a way that would indicate you have waived your legal rights or agreed to something unfavorable.

Application in Traffic Stops and Registration Situations:

1. Traffic Stops:

When dealing with law enforcement, people might use "UCC 1-308" to indicate that their compliance (e.g., signing a citation) is under duress and does not imply consent to any broader legal implications.

2. Voter Registration and Other Documents:

If someone believes they are being compelled to enter into a legal agreement or waive certain rights by registering to vote, they might use UCC 1-308 to reserve their rights and clarify that they are signing under duress.

One more time:

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Traffic Stop Breakdown (22m)

A tacit agreement refers to an understanding or arrangement that is inferred from actions or circumstances rather than expressed explicitly in words. In the context of a traffic stop and interactions with law enforcement, it's crucial to be aware of how your words and behavior might unintentionally create such agreements.

Understanding the Context

When you're pulled over, knowing your rights and being careful with your language can help you avoid inadvertently entering into a tacit agreement that could be used against you.

Here are some key points to keep in mind:

Right to Remain Silent: You have the right not to incriminate yourself. You can exercise this right by politely informing the officer that you choose to remain silent.

Non-Verbal Agreements: Actions and body language can sometimes be construed as consent or agreement. Be mindful of how you present yourself and follow legal guidelines without overstepping your rights.

Consent to Searches: Be cautious when agreeing to any searches. Verbally and clearly state that you do not consent to a search. This is important as consent to searches is one common area where tacit agreements happen.

Avoiding Incriminating Terminology

Things to Avoid

Admitting Fault: Avoid saying things like "I didn't realize I was speeding."

Implied Consent: Don't say "Sure, you can take a look" when asked for a search.

Incriminating Responses: Phrases like "I only had one drink" are better left unsaid.

Preferred Responses

Exercise Your Rights: "Officer, I choose to remain silent."

Refuse Searches Politely: "I do not consent to a search."

Request Legal Representation: "I would like to speak to an attorney."

Key Legal Points to Remember

Ask If You're Free to Leave: "Officer, am I being detained or am I free to go?" This can help clarify if you are under any obligation to stay.

Record the Encounter: If legally permissible in your jurisdiction, recording the interaction can provide an accurate record of what transpired.

Practical Example

Incorrect Approach:

Officer: "Do you know why I pulled you over?"

You: "I guess I was speeding a little."

Correct Approach:

Officer: "Do you know why I pulled you over?"

You: "No, officer."

How It's Done:

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📽 Sovereignty and Authority: A Telling Encounter at a DUI Checkpoint 📽

🔍 Encounter Synopsis:

1. Silent Resistance 🚔: A man, pulled over at a DUI checkpoint, chooses to remain silent and ignore all directives from police officers. Remarkably, he is eventually allowed to leave without repercussion. Assertion of Authority ⚖️: The man later explains that the police officers, as representatives of the "US Corporation," have no legitimate authority over him. He argues that their enforcement actions represent corporate policy, not the lawful governance of the USA.

📚 Thoughts & Beliefs:

- Corporate vs. Constitutional Authority 🏛: The man distinguishes between the "US Corporation" and the "USA," asserting that police officers work for the former. This corporation derives funding through the International Monetary Fund (IMF), which he views as a conflict with constitutional principles.

- Treason Allegation 🚨: Officers' alignment with a foreign-funded entity constitutes treason against the USA as per constitutional law, stripping them of legitimate authority over citizens.

- Constitutional Sovereignty 📜: Strongly believes in upholding the U.S. Constitution above all other forms of governance, asserting that true authority rests with the people and their rights.

- Challenge to Authority 💪: Advocates for questioning and challenging perceived overreach by law enforcement or governmental entities that are seen as operating under corporate interests.

- Civil Liberties Protection 🌟: Emphasizes the protection of individual civil liberties against policies imposed by entities perceived as lacking constitutional legitimacy.

🌟 Why It Matters:

- Empowerment Through Knowledge 📚: Understanding these distinctions empowers citizens to defend their rights and question the legitimacy of authority figures.

- Safeguarding Constitutional Integrity ⚖️: Reinforcing awareness of constitutional principles ensures that governance aligns with the foundational laws of the land.

- Public Awareness and Debate 🌐: Encourages a broader public discourse on the true nature of authority and governance, promoting informed and active citizenship.

For Officers:

All You Need Is Knowledge:

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Another Stop - NYC

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What to do when Police Go Crazy

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Un-Waive Your Rights:

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Sue when Towed:

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📽 Your Rights and Remedies: Suing Tow Truck Companies and Charging Police for Rent

Suing Tow Truck Companies ⚖️🚛: This video provides a comprehensive guide on how you can sue tow truck companies for stealing your vehicle and seeking damages. Understand your legal rights and the steps to take action against unauthorized towing. Charging Police for Rent When They Refuse to Return Your Vehicle 🏠🚓: Learn the strategy to charge the police rent when they unlawfully refuse to give your vehicle back. Gain insights on how to assert your rights and claim compensation. Empowerment Through Legal Knowledge 📚💼: The video emphasizes the critical importance of understanding your legal rights and standing up against wrongful acts by tow truck companies and police authorities.

When you’re Ready - Get your plate

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