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Course Work: Taxes and IRS

IRS Whistle Blower

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📽 Joe Banister: Revelations from a Former IRS Special Agent 📽

🔍 Who is Joe Banister?

Joe Banister, once a dedicated IRS Special Criminal Investigator, has become a vocal advocate for transparency and truth concerning the U.S. tax system. His deep dive into IRS regulations revealed startling insights that changed his career trajectory.

📜 Key Points of His Investigation:

- IRS Jurisdiction Concerns 🌊: Banister discovered, through meticulous review of the IRS Handbook in their own law library, that the IRS's jurisdiction is in fact limited. It specifies that the IRS only has authority over individuals in maritime and admiralty contexts, or "people out to sea."

- Legality of IRS Practices 🏛: After years of internal scrutiny, Banister concluded that the IRS operates beyond its legally defined limits when it asserts authority over ordinary American citizens. This led him to question the foundational legality of federal income taxes as enforced by the IRS.

- Personal Journey and Advocacy ↔️: Transitioning from an agent enforcing these laws to a whistleblower, Banister now educates the public on what he believes are critical injustices within the IRS system. His stance is driven by a commitment to uphold lawful governance and citizen rights.

- Empowerment Through Knowledge 📚: He emphasizes the importance of public awareness regarding IRS operations and citizens' rights under U.S. law. Banister encourages individuals to seek out information and understand the true scope of IRS jurisdiction.

📚 Why It Matters: Joe Banister’s findings and experiences offer a compelling narrative that questions widely accepted norms within the U.S. tax system. His insights suggest a need for re-evaluation and potential reform, aimed at ensuring transparency, legality, and respect for citizen rights.

Tax Compilation

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